Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cat Update

So, we're instituting some new rules based on some advice I got from some friends.  No more cats in my bedroom at night.  I need my sleep to function and if I have to use ear plugs to get over their whining at first, so be it. 

Feeding time is a set time or times I guess.  Then the food goes up so no one will try to eat anyone else's food.  And I need to find a way to trim Cleo down.  She's got arthritis (well she is like 12) and I think she would be better off trimmer.  She doesn't do much anyway so she really doesn't need to eat a whole lot.

And I'm getting a water bottle.  When the fight or hiss at each other, they're getting hit with a spray of water.  I've actually seen them legitimatly fight today.  Not cool.  I will not let my life be run by a couple of narcissistic, drama queen cats.  I'm the only one that gets to be a narcissistic drama queen in my apartment. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cats...no not the musical

So I have two cats now.  I used to have one but then I moved in with a girl from church who needed a roommate and I was looking to move to a new place when my lease was up, so it worked out.

Except for the part about her being allergic to cats.

So my ever loving bro and his wife took my cat.  They already had a cat so we hoped they would get along. It was temporary til I got a new place of my own and would take my cat back.  They did not get along well at first but eventually came to a mutual avoidance.  My bro and his wife got a dog, who likes to terroize the cats not long after.
Fast forward 2 1/2 years.  At 2 yrs old, I finally am okay with the dog, but he still terroizes the cats.  Plus my sister-in-law is expecting, so no more caring for the cats.  (Pregnant women are to avoid contact with cat feces due to fecal bacteria and such).  My bro was looking to pass back my temporarily placed cat.

So I moved out to a new place.  It was hard leaving my roomie.  We get along well (two weeks and I miss her), and have many shared interests.  She's influenced me in ways: like I'm actually paying attention to the US Men's open with Nadal and what's his name and I've become bolder in sharing my faith with strangers.  I've influenced her: she likes Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel and has a white board by her door to write down people to prayer about.

I do enjoy my new place.  I was only there a few days before I trekked to my bro's to get the cats.  Oh, yeah, since I was taking back my cat, could I take the other cat as well? I thought, "sure! I owe my bro and sister-in-law."

I didn't think it'd be too big a problem.

Wow, was I wrong.

They don't get along but manage to ignore each other most of the time.  My cat hisses unexpectedly at the other cat despite being around her for nearly three years.  My cat also seems to eat both cats food.  Which led to some vomiting this morning.

Honestly, I'm torn.  There are moments when I love having them.  When my cat will sit on my lap and demand attention, when my bro's cat sleeps by me on top of the covers when I'm in bed.  When I see either contently sitting at the bay window overlooking the lake or see my cat curled up on her small chaise (yes it is a pet sized chaise, I found it on sale and knew my cat would like it)

But then there's the lack of sleep for me.  They're nocturnal after all, and it's not a big apartment.  One likes to eat at night, one roams around and loos for the other''s food to steal.  One likes to meow and wake me up at 3am like everyday.

I'm committed to these cats I guess.  or maybe I should be committed....hmm.