Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Lights

I don't mind the explaining over and over again what that funky light on my desk is: it's my happy light!

I think the light therapy has been helping in big ways.  It's doesn't make me perfectly sane (that would take a miracle which is clearly God's department) but it is making a big difference in my well-being.

The dawn simulator alarm clock is helping as well.  The snooze is a little to easy to use; I simply rap a knuckle on the base of the round clock and the sounds abate for 10 minutes.  The light still stays on though.  The bird sounds have proved to be too much like the water fountain for my cat's water dish.  So I use the farm noises and the yoga sounds.  Both are great.

Although it's a little weird to hear a cow mooing in the morning.  Even when I lived out in the country in Iowa I wasn't near enough to farms to hear that.

So as long as I keep on myself about my vitamins and meds and eating regularly, (which can be surprisingly hard when you're single and overworked), my physical side seems to be good.

Still working on getting healthier.  It's a never-ending cycle and will always be a struggle to the day I die, which is exactly how my spiritual life goes as well.  It's all the little choices I make throughout the day that make or break me.

So I'm learning to love myself more.  Learning to find balance.  Striving to beat my body into submission and not be controlled by the whims and desires of my cravings.

All I can do is "just keep swimming".