Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cat Update

So, we're instituting some new rules based on some advice I got from some friends.  No more cats in my bedroom at night.  I need my sleep to function and if I have to use ear plugs to get over their whining at first, so be it. 

Feeding time is a set time or times I guess.  Then the food goes up so no one will try to eat anyone else's food.  And I need to find a way to trim Cleo down.  She's got arthritis (well she is like 12) and I think she would be better off trimmer.  She doesn't do much anyway so she really doesn't need to eat a whole lot.

And I'm getting a water bottle.  When the fight or hiss at each other, they're getting hit with a spray of water.  I've actually seen them legitimatly fight today.  Not cool.  I will not let my life be run by a couple of narcissistic, drama queen cats.  I'm the only one that gets to be a narcissistic drama queen in my apartment. :)

1 comment:

  1. This post - and your previous post - just confirm that I never want pets. Seriously.
